Level D

Level D fiction titles typically feature stories about simple one-dimensional characters that have human experiences, exhibit emotions, talk, and have the ability to reason. The printed text in Level D readers continues to be strongly supported by illustrations. While the vocabulary and themes are familiar to the reader, at this level they can be examined in more depth. Additionally, Emergent readers no longer rely as heavily on repetitive language patterns.

For students reading at Level Dvoice‐print matching is smooth and automatic. They no longer track text with their fingers. They’re able to read pages with up to six lines of text and increased sentence complexity. The text can include prepositional phrases, adjectives, simple contractions, and possessive words (using apostrophes). Some of the sentences on a page can be longer (containing more than six words) and carry over to a second line of text. Level D readers are able to consistently self-monitor, and cross‐check other sources of information to self‐correct while they are reading.

Purchase our entire collection of Level D Danny Books in the Danny Leveled Set D.