About Reading Recovery®

Reading Recovery® is a short-term intervention for first graders having difficulty with early reading and writing. Specially trained teachers work individually with students in daily 30-minute lessons lasting 12 to 20 weeks. Reading Recovery® was developed by New Zealand educator and researcher, Marie M. Clay. The early literacy intervention is designed for children who are at risk in literacy learning by the end of their first year at school. Once struggling readers are identified, implementing the Reading Recovery® program as early as possible can help students reach grade-level standard. Strong literacy teaching benefits the entire school.

To teach struggling beginning readers, we need to understand them as readers. Marie Clay developed running records to more accurately assess a child’s reading level. Running records provide educators with an opportunity to analyze what’s happening when a student reads and how well that student is using the reading strategies they’re being taught in class. The teacher is then able to plan appropriate follow-up instruction and select helpful texts for reading practice. Running records can also help teachers decide when a student is ready to advance to the next reading level. Each MaryRuth Books title has a corresponding running record available as a free download on the individual title, or book set, product page.

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MaryRuth Books offers a list of books approved for Reading Recovery®. Shop our books online today to get your reader started on the path to success!


Fountas, Irene C. and Pinnell, Gay Su. Guided Reading- Good First Teaching for All Children. Heinemann, 1996.
Reading Recovery® Council of North America. https://readingrecovery.org/reading-recovery