Level F

Readers at Level F notice and use readers’ tools and simple organizational features, like the table of contents, subtitles, and page headings. They read without pointing at individual words and with the appropriate rate, phrasing, intonation, and word stress. Level F readers can read stretches of simple and split dialogue, and process syntax. They are becoming comfortable with inflectional endings, plurals, contractions, and possessives. Level F titles are appropriate for Upper Emergent readers (Levels F-H).

Level F readers are typically able to recognize fifty or more high-frequency words automatically, within continuous text. They can also use letter-sound information to take apart and decode both simple and multisyllable words while they’re reading. Using these same tools, Level F readers self-monitor and correct. Level F readers use word parts (onsets and rimes), language structure, text meaning, and visual information to solve words. Readers at this level will often reread a phrase to problem solve, self-correct, or just confirm what they’re reading.

By Level F, readers can understand the characteristics of the different genres of texts. They are able to recognize whether a text is realistic fiction, fantasy, or nonfiction/informational by its features. In informational texts, Level F readers notice and are able to learn new facts about a variety of topics. They can also identify chronological sequences in a text, when applicable. When reading fiction, Level F readers can understand characters who are more complex and developed. They are able to talk about a character’s motivations and feelings. They can sometimes predict what may happen next in the story based on knowledge of the characters or the type of story.

Purchase our entire collection of Level F Danny Books in the Danny Leveled Set F.